Monday, December 21, 2009

Hw 27

Street interviews:

Person #1

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: Yea i think i was pretty cool in highschool.

Q: What things made you cool?

A: i had alot of friends.

Person #2

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: No i wasnt one of the cool kids but i wasnt a nerd either.

Q: Why do you think you werent cool?

A: I was kinda chubby and had braces and glasses.

Friend interview:

Friend #1

Q: do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Come on man you know i am..

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: Cuz i got alot of friends and every knows me.

Friend #2

Q: Do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Yea i think im pretty cool.

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: I got some good friend and people know me.

Family interviews:

Cousin #1

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: Yes i was deffinatly cool i still am?

Q: Why do you think you were cool?

A: Cuz everyone wanted to be like me.

Cousin #2

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: I was cool within my group of friend but i wasnt the most popular kid?

Q: Why do you think you werent the most popular?

A: Because i beat up one of the popular kids in school and his friends never liked me after that.

HW 24

there was a kid named Brad he got transferd to a new highschool on the opposite of town were he knew no one and no one knew him. He had no friend at his old school so he was determined to be the popular kid at this new school.It was the first day of school and Brad thought that if he was the bad ass he would be popular for shore.

Brad is waiting for the bus the first thing he says is "there better be a fucking seat"

All the smaller kids moved over or got up to give him the seat.

This made brad feel good about himself. They finally reached school and he knew that his first impression can either make him or break him.

So he walks in to his class room like he owned the place. but the teacher wasnt so happy.

Who are you? said the teacher

Im B-rad who the hell are you? said brad

Excuse me! said the teacher

you heard what i said bitch! said brad

Then one of the cool kids gets involved brad thinks he is guna be impressed with what hes saying but then.

what the fuck is your problem? said the popular kid to brad

Brad was speachless

And who names there kid B-rad?

i think you should just leave this class no one wants you here! said the popular kid

Brad ran out the school and never went back.

Monday, November 16, 2009

hw 23

being cool means you were brand name cloths, you act like an asswhole to people you think are not cool, the way you talk and the way you walk can also make you cool.

But what people thing is cool varies depending where you live. like people from california have a different type of "cool" slang then people from new york.

another thing i think is cool when your a good friend like you always got your friends back no matter what.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

HW 13

Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world. It is a hammer with which to shape it.'-Bert Brecht

I think that Feed is a mirror because it is just telling us about the things that might happen if we rely to much on technology, And i feel that if you just read the book and don't think about the true meaning no one would no that feed was a allegory about modern teenage life. I would want my art to be a hammer because i don't think i matters if you just show what might happen, it is better to actually try and do something about it

I don't think that a mirror can be a hammer because its isn't doing anything to help the situation it is just letting us know whats going on its up to the people who have found out what the mirror is talking about and take action.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

hw 14

"Imagine an alternate world identical to ours save one techno-historical change: video games were invented and popularized before books. in this parallel universe, kids have been playing games for centuries-and then these page bound text come along ans suddenly they're all the rage.what would the teachers, and the parents, and the cultural authorities have to say about this frenzy of reading? i suspect it would sound something like this:

Reading books chronically under stimulates the senses. unlike the longstanding tradition of game playing which engages the child in a vivid, three-dimensional world filled with moving images and musical sounds capes, navigated and controlled with complex muscular movements books are simply a barren string of words on a page. Only a small portion of the brain devoted to processing written languages is activated during reading, while games have for many years engaged the young in complex social relationships with their peers, building and exploring worlds together, books force the child to sequester him or herself in a quiet space, shut off from interaction with other children. These new "libraries" that have arisen in recent years to facilitate reading activities are a frightening sight:dozens of young children, normally so vivacious and socially interactive, sitting alone in cubicles, reading silently, oblivious to their peers."

I agree with this argument he made. I really do think that if video games came first that people would say that books are bad to read, because the statement he made is just like what people say about video games today. I still don't think that video games are better for you than books but it is a pretty got argument.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HW 12

Feed is on target for being an allegory for modern teenage life, because most of the kids in the book are connected to the "feed" witch is a chip in there brain that lets them talk to eachother and look up things just like most kids today have computers and cell phones.

I think that some tragic element in the book would be that all the birds are dead and the fact that they had no trees because they built air factories. I beleive if we let our technology get the best of us some of these thing will happen because we probably would think that it would be better to make our own air and it will give us more space to biuld thing like houses, and buildings.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My experiment was to double my time on digital technology. so i was on the computer all day yesterday after the first hour an a half i was pretty entertained but an hour later there was nothing more i could do on the computer so i started to watch videos on youtube and talking to people i havent talk to in years because i was so bored. I fell that one hour is enough time on the computer for me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

video homework

Originally uploaded by Granitk

when i was watching my video i felt like i was really entertained by the computer, t.v., or cell phone it was just something to do to pass the time.

I wouldnt want my future son spending all his time on the computer bucause if he is just doing it to pass time then he could be outside with his friends and doing something active instead of sitting on the computer.

Stranger in the street:
Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I spend about 10 hour but its mostly for work.
Q:If you have kids how many hours do you let them stay on the computer?
A:I do have a kid but i only let him on the computer for 30 min a day.

Other stranger:
Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I am on the computer almost all day.
Q: how many hours are you on your cell phone?
A:I am on my phone all day texting.
Q:do you find computers and cellphones to be addicting?
A:yes, very addicting.

Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I am on 2-3 hours, one or two for work and an hour talking to my brother, sister, aunts.
Q:how many hours do you spend on the phone?
A:all day but its my work phone if i don't answer it i will get fired.
Q:what do you think about digital technology?
A:i don't think we should waste all our time on them but it is good for somethings like keeping in touch with family and friends that live far away. 

Friend Jose:
Qhow many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:How ever long it takes me to do my homework.
Q:how many hours do you spend on the phone?
A:1 or 2 hours, i only text people when they text me otherwise i wont text all day.
Q:how many hours do you spend watching t.v.?
A:if no one calls me to go out i am home all day watching it.