Monday, December 21, 2009

Hw 27

Street interviews:

Person #1

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: Yea i think i was pretty cool in highschool.

Q: What things made you cool?

A: i had alot of friends.

Person #2

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: No i wasnt one of the cool kids but i wasnt a nerd either.

Q: Why do you think you werent cool?

A: I was kinda chubby and had braces and glasses.

Friend interview:

Friend #1

Q: do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Come on man you know i am..

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: Cuz i got alot of friends and every knows me.

Friend #2

Q: Do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Yea i think im pretty cool.

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: I got some good friend and people know me.

Family interviews:

Cousin #1

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: Yes i was deffinatly cool i still am?

Q: Why do you think you were cool?

A: Cuz everyone wanted to be like me.

Cousin #2

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: I was cool within my group of friend but i wasnt the most popular kid?

Q: Why do you think you werent the most popular?

A: Because i beat up one of the popular kids in school and his friends never liked me after that.

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