Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stranger in the street:
Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I spend about 10 hour but its mostly for work.
Q:If you have kids how many hours do you let them stay on the computer?
A:I do have a kid but i only let him on the computer for 30 min a day.

Other stranger:
Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I am on the computer almost all day.
Q: how many hours are you on your cell phone?
A:I am on my phone all day texting.
Q:do you find computers and cellphones to be addicting?
A:yes, very addicting.

Q:how many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:I am on 2-3 hours, one or two for work and an hour talking to my brother, sister, aunts.
Q:how many hours do you spend on the phone?
A:all day but its my work phone if i don't answer it i will get fired.
Q:what do you think about digital technology?
A:i don't think we should waste all our time on them but it is good for somethings like keeping in touch with family and friends that live far away. 

Friend Jose:
Qhow many hours do you spend on the computer?
A:How ever long it takes me to do my homework.
Q:how many hours do you spend on the phone?
A:1 or 2 hours, i only text people when they text me otherwise i wont text all day.
Q:how many hours do you spend watching t.v.?
A:if no one calls me to go out i am home all day watching it. 

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