Monday, December 21, 2009

Hw 27

Street interviews:

Person #1

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: Yea i think i was pretty cool in highschool.

Q: What things made you cool?

A: i had alot of friends.

Person #2

Q: Did you consider your self to be the cool kid in highschool?

A: No i wasnt one of the cool kids but i wasnt a nerd either.

Q: Why do you think you werent cool?

A: I was kinda chubby and had braces and glasses.

Friend interview:

Friend #1

Q: do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Come on man you know i am..

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: Cuz i got alot of friends and every knows me.

Friend #2

Q: Do you think your one of the cool kids in school?

A: Yea i think im pretty cool.

Q: Why do you think your cool?

A: I got some good friend and people know me.

Family interviews:

Cousin #1

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: Yes i was deffinatly cool i still am?

Q: Why do you think you were cool?

A: Cuz everyone wanted to be like me.

Cousin #2

Q: Do you think you were cool in highschool?

A: I was cool within my group of friend but i wasnt the most popular kid?

Q: Why do you think you werent the most popular?

A: Because i beat up one of the popular kids in school and his friends never liked me after that.

HW 24

there was a kid named Brad he got transferd to a new highschool on the opposite of town were he knew no one and no one knew him. He had no friend at his old school so he was determined to be the popular kid at this new school.It was the first day of school and Brad thought that if he was the bad ass he would be popular for shore.

Brad is waiting for the bus the first thing he says is "there better be a fucking seat"

All the smaller kids moved over or got up to give him the seat.

This made brad feel good about himself. They finally reached school and he knew that his first impression can either make him or break him.

So he walks in to his class room like he owned the place. but the teacher wasnt so happy.

Who are you? said the teacher

Im B-rad who the hell are you? said brad

Excuse me! said the teacher

you heard what i said bitch! said brad

Then one of the cool kids gets involved brad thinks he is guna be impressed with what hes saying but then.

what the fuck is your problem? said the popular kid to brad

Brad was speachless

And who names there kid B-rad?

i think you should just leave this class no one wants you here! said the popular kid

Brad ran out the school and never went back.