Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39

part A
why do we get grades?
will kids every be able to choose what they want to take in high school like they can do in college?
why did school become so much about social status then getting good grades?

part B
If high school is suppose to get us ready for college. why cant we take classes that we want to take. there are some kids that know what they want to do when they go to college, so why cant they be able to take classes they need to get ready for that particular field. It will be a lot more beneficial to them because they wouldn't have to spend as much time and money on classes if they got to take some of them in high school.

video project

In our video we wanted to give a perspective through our eyes. so anias played basketball like he usualy does in gym. Sam played volley ball chloe sat down and watched everyone play and i played ping pong. we wanted to show the things we do that we think are cool and the things other kids in gym do that they thing are cool.I think that art is cool because you see it through your persepective and i dont think you can ever be wrong.